Lots of great tips here. The plastic in Thailand drove us bonkers. It's hard at times but to get overwhelmed by the b problems...

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It's absolutely insane, the plastic everywhere. I'm always amazed (and angry) when I see a cafe serving a smoothie or fruit juice in a throw-away plastic cup WITH lid WITH straw.

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So well written. I'm so happy that the stinky Ko Samui river turned out to be so inspiring! :)

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Excellent, as usual. This is something I struggled with, travelling ethically - trying my best, but then worrying whether I should even be sharing my travel writing. I have so many photos of the real world, not instagramtastic, but with plastic bottles, pollution, dead animals etc - I keep meaning to write more about this, so often everything is swept beneath the rug.

I have a Sawyer filter I love, and my wife has a Grayl. Essential kit.

If you're ever in Chiang Mai, I stocked up on preloved clothes there - can't remember exactly where, but there's a huge shop with rails and rails of secondhand clothes, much of it from tourists (if you want to pick up exceptionally cheap, great quality cooler weather clothing, this is the place! Westerners get rid of it, and it's often too large sizes for Thai people!).

Thanks for this post.

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Thanks Alexander – and you're right, it is a tough one. So often people want to travel for the dream... so there's always that dream vs reality conundrum. I think the key to travel writing is honesty – yes, the place is exquisite BUT.

And thank you for the Chiang Mai clothing tip – will look out for it the next time I'm up that way.

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I think that, if more people were more honest about what travel really involves, then there might not be as many people who end up disappointed by the real world. As you so rightly say, too often they travel for a dream, which is not to be found anywhere beyond carefully crafted images and words. Finding and celebrating the wonder of the world but tempering it with reality just seems sensible!

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