Dear NE One
I’m writing to you from the bottom bed of a bunk in Melide, Galicia. I’m slouched against the wall - the bed above me won’t allow me to sit properly - and I’m acutely aware of the sound that my typing on this cheap Bluetooth keyboard is making. Hostel etiquette advocates silence in the dorms, even during the late afternoon, and already the man in the bunk opposite mine is asleep.
It’s because of this silence that I’m writing to you now. I have, almost ready to reach you, two beautiful essays written for 5 o’Clock Somewhere, and I’ve been waiting to find the space and time to put the audio recordings of the essays together before I send them over to you. Tech issues and then dorm silences haven’t allowed me to do so yet - and the essays are so lovely, read by the women who wrote them, that I’d like to send them only when I've been able to put the audio file together.
And so for now, I’ll leave you with a few photos, below, from the Camino Frances. Mark and I are at the tail end of our walk, and are just three days away from Santiago. It’s been beautiful, and surprisingly quiet, and unexpectedly dry.
I look forward to sharing some insights with you, once the dust has settled - and to sending you the next installment of 5 o’Clock Somewhere, hopefully in the next day or two.
Until then
Beautiful images. Love the sun!
Beautiful photos! So calming.